The New York Botanical Garden The New York Botanical Garden was founded in 1891, the Garden is perhaps the world’s greatest collections of plants, a leading educational center of gardening and horticulture, as well as a worldwide center of plant research. The Garden is full of opportunities to discover, like the Conservatory , an innovative indoor/outdoor hugh science museum. Also some 50 exquisite gardens or plant collections, found on some 250-acres. this Landmark is in New York City’s Bronx.
Zen Garden The Zen Garden aims to inspire, excite, and encourage participation. Css Zen Garden is inviting you to relax and meditate on the significant lessons of the masters. You will Begin to see with clarity, and Learn to use the time-honored methods in new and invigorating way.
National Gardening Association (NGA)- National Gardening Association, since 1973- is a nonprofit associate, The best at plant-based education. NGA serves timely materials about the benefits of gardening.